The Greatest Servant

Hey homies I read Mark 9:33-35 today. Found it a really convicting read! A solid 3 verses!

It opens with Jesus and His disciples arriving at Capernaum and Jesus asks them “What were you arguing about on the road?” but they all stay silent because they were arguing about who was the greatest. They all want to be the greatest but they don’t want to fess up to it but Jesus knows their hearts and Jesus cares to sow into them. Jesus replies to them with this :

“If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.”

– Mark 9:35

What a slap in the face it must have been to the disciples! Like OH DANG, Jesus knows what we were talking and arguing about and now He’s rebuking us, awww mannn. What do you mean the greatest has to be the servant of all and the very last? :( The craziest thing is though, I’m pretty sure Jesus is actually talking about Himself here because just a few verses ago He was saying :

“The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men.
They will kill Him,
and after three days He will rise.”

– Mark 9:31

Jesus upon the cross was the servant of all. He became the absolute very last as He was scorned, beaten, mocked, shamed and ultimately crucified. He died for all of mankind, to be their servant, dying in their place means that He ended up in dead last. (Pun absolutely not intentional ;P)

But this is EXACTLY the reason why Jesus then becomes the first. Jesus because He was the last becomes the first. Jesus is the first and the last. As He rose again and ascended to sit at the right hand of God he became the GREATEST that the disciples were arguing over.

I wrote a random poem at the end as I was thinking about how insanely logic defying what Jesus did on the cross for mankind.

Everyone wants to be the greatest but they don’t realise the cost
They don’t realise that Jesus is the greatest because He goes to the cross
You can see the significance of it all
As you see that which He lost

Relation with the Father, broken as the Father’s face turned away
On the cross did He hang because love drove Him to stay
So that the world would all hear, so they would know and believe
That Jesus alone is the Life, Truth and the Way

“If anyone wants to be first, He must be the very last, and the servant of all.”

– Mark 9:35

My Listening Buddy

Today I didn’t read anything. I just journalled because I felt my brain was so overloaded from everything I’ve been doing! I wrote heaps out but don’t want to bore you homies! I however had 3 sections and each had a sentence which I felt really spoke to me really oddly as I wrote them. (Totally wasn’t planned)

Hey there God, my brain feels like jelly, Ive done so much today. Would you be my listening buddy and sit with me? =)


“It’s all moving so fast, maybe I’m starting to run on water.”


“Regardless of where we end up would the destination be You.”


“I think it teaches me about the nature of ministry, the desire to serve You amidst the unseen. And honestly, I feel blessed from it. Tired… but that’s how you should feel after going hard for God right? Time to feed off You again and refuel =)”


– Filled
– Satisfied
– At Peace

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

– Philippians 4:6-7

The Breadcrumb Multiplier

Quiet Time – 19.10.2016 [Mark 6:30-44]

Hey homies today I read Mark 6:30-44.  Jesus cracks His Spirit filled knuckles and goes ham on feeding 5000 men and their families!  Today’s gonna be good :)

“So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.  But many who saw them leaving recognised them and ran on foot from all the towns and got ahead of them.”

The story starts with the apostles coming back from being sent out to cast out demons and preaching repentance from earlier in Mark and it happens that there are SO MANY people coming and going that they aren’t even able to eat!  Jesus is getting a critical mass of followers! (IT’S OVER 9000!)  They decide to get back into the boat onto the Sea of Galilee to find a quiet place and to get some rest BUT… the crowd has different plans…  They see them and they RUN AHEAD through all the towns and get to where they’re going before them!

These people are desperate for Jesus.  They’ve heard rumours.  But… Who is He?

“When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.  So he began teaching them many things.”

There’s a LARGE CROWD which has run ahead AROUND the Sea of Galilee just to keep up with the One they’re following.  They’re absolutely desperate to be around Him.  And that’s when we see an incredible part of Jesus.  He has compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.

Have you thought what sheep are like?  They’re dumb.  Like SUPER dumb.  They just drift around, eat grass, say “baa” a lot, they’re absolutely lost without a shepherd.  That’s how these people are described, lost, helpless, without direction.  Jesus sees that they need Him.  Jesus loves them.  Jesus cares for them.

Jesus is the compassionate Shepherd.

“By this time it was late in the day, so His disciples came to Him.  “This is a remote place,” they said, “and it’s already very late.  Send the people away so they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.”

Uh oh.  Situation change.  Peeps getting hungry.  Yo Jesus we’re tired, they’re hungry, we should send them off!

And this is where Jesus gets realer than real.

“But He answered, “You give them something to eat.”

What?  Are you serious Jesus?  There’s ain’t no SMALL crowd out there Jesus.  It’s a LARGE crowd Jesus!  There’s like 5000 men and all of their families out there!  THAT’S LIKE 8 MONTHS OF A MAN’S WAGES.  We don’t have ENOUGH JESUS!  Isn’t that like us when God asked us to do something?  We look at the problem and we panic.  We see everything that we DON’T have.  We see everything that we LACK.  We see our INADEQUACIES.

But as if it’s dependant upon us.

“How many loaves DO you have?”

This is where Jesus changes our point of view.  We stop looking at what we DON’T have and instead at what we DO have.  And what do they disciples have?  5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.  For 5000 men… and their families… and it’s late… OH NO ANXIETY, PANIC, OH BEANS… WOAH.  Chill.

What DO you have? 

“Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to Heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves.  Then He gave them to His disciples to set before the people.  He also divided the two fish among them all.”

Jesus takes our breadcrumbs.  He doesn’t take what we DON’T have.  He changes our focus to what we DO have.  And He calls us to SUBMIT IT to Him!  Jesus brings it to Himself.

It’s not dependant on what we DO or DON’T have.  It’s dependant on God.

“They all ate and were satisfied.”


But that’s not all…

“… and the disciples picked up twelve basketfulls of broken pieces of bread and fish.”

Jesus has taken His disciples mediocre breadcrumbs and He’s multiplied it.  He’s asked them to submit it to Him and to trust Him.

Jesus is the miracle worker so surely all the glory goes to Him.

My reaction is just like the disciples.  Jesus tells me to do something that I can’t imagine and I panic.  I look at all the problems and all the things I DON’T have.  Jesus calls us to look at what we DO have and to submit it to Him!

Jesus takes our breadcrumbs and multiplies it!  Jesus makes my mediocre breadcrumbs into a multiplied miracle.

Let’s be real here, Jesus rose a girl from the dead just in the previous chapter. Jesus calmed an entire storm the chapter before that.  Jesus has healed, forgiven, exorcised and done miracle after miracle.  Surely feeding 5000 people with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish is a piece of cake for Him.  The problem is NOT that we haven’t seen enough evidence of God doing this work in our lives, it’s that we don’t TRUST what we have seen.  It’s that we haven’t let His character affect our lives.

We’ve boxed Him in, made Him smaller than He actually is, ignored His character and so we haven’t trusted Him in who He’s actually said He is.

What is in my hand?  What is in your hand?  Let’s submit it to Jesus, the One who can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20) and let’s see what He’ll do with it in the most impossible of situations.  Let’s dream big fam.  Soli Deo Gloria.

“How many loaves DO you have?”

– Mark 6:38

Running from God

Quiet Time – 18.10.2016 [Psalm 9]

Today I spent so much of my day running from God.  It started really well actually, had a job interview in the morning that went really well, did my laundry, felt great!  Then the girl I’ve been pursuing cancels on coffee this week (which I was totally looking forward to D=) because she’s sick, which is totally fine!  But… as I was rescheduling with her it seemed more and more like she wasn’t as keen as I was.  Huge bummer because I thought I had moved out of the friendzone.

It hurt.

The rest of the day was mostly a blur, my brain felt groggy and slow and my emotions were everywhere.  I also felt like I was avoiding God not really wanting to talk to Him or hear from Him.

I guess I felt far from Him because I was pushing Him away.

At least until now at the classic time of 2:11am where I just have to talk to God and face Him otherwise I’d probably explode.

Time to uncover and face my insecurities.

I decided to go back to one of the habits I used to have which was Praying through the Psalms and decided to write out some prayers I had in response to some of Psalm 9.

“I will praise You, O LORD, with all my heart;
I will tell of all Your wonders.
I will be glad and rejoice in You;
I will sing praises to Your name, O MOST High.”

-Psalm 9:1-2

  • Father God would You help me to remember Your goodness and character.
  • Help me to praise You with every single bit of my heart not with holding anything for myself.
  • Would I testify to Your goodness to all around me.

I drew a heart on the side of that verse and coloured it in and wrote : “ALL my heart.  NOT SOME.”  I knew that I wanted to hold parts of my heart to myself and not give it over to God in praise.  But that’s not how worship is, God demands ALL of us, not SOME of us, not MOST of us, but ALL of us.  Not even 99%.  I can’t hold even that 1%.

Would God take ALL of me and would I be a living sacrifice giving Him the praise that He deserves.

“Those who know Your name will trust You,
for You, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek You.”

-Psalm 9:10

  • I’m sorry that I forgot You were near me God and that I didn’t trust You.  I looked at my own insecurities and fears and tried to deal with them myself.
  • Would You help me to seek You knowing that You are near, knowing that Your Spirit dwells within me.
  • Would You help me to trust You, knowing that I can’t actually deal with these things myself.

This verse hit me hard when I read it out loud.  It was as if God was speaking to me showing me pretty clearly that I had forgotten all about Him today.  But it felt like He was speaking to me so gently at the same time… it wasn’t like He was condemning me or putting me down but instead… reassuring me.  “Trust me for I am WITH YOU” is what I felt He was saying to me.

What an insanely timely comfort.  

You know that feeling of peace inside that comes only after You’ve given everything to God?  Yeah… that’s how I feel now.  I’m still sad, and I’m still not sure what’s up with things but I do know the more important things.  God’s calling me to walk with Him, to remember that He is near and to praise Him.  I don’t know a lot of things in my life, but if I can be walking with God, remembering that He’s near and praising Him I’m sure things will turn out just fine :)

“The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.”

-Psalm 9:9

Herod and John the Baptist…

Quiet Time – 13.10.2016 [Mark 6:14-29]

Hey homie just read Mark 6:14-29. It’s this super side story about King Herod, his wife and John the Baptist who ends up getting beheaded.


“King Herod heard about this, for Jesus’ name had become well known.”

Jesus’ been doing heaps of stuff all over and the rumours are starting to spread and the hottest question of the day is WHO IS JESUS? Some were saying that it was John the Baptist raised from the dead. Some were saying that it’s Elijah. Others said a prophet, just like the prophets of old. It seems that everybody who has seen or heard about Jesus has formed their own opinion about who Jesus is but the truth is that:

NOBODY really knows who Jesus is!

I think this is pretty similar to nowadays. Most people have heard of Jesus and have some conception of who He is regardless of whether it’s actually true or not. I want to make sure I don’t get caught up in different arguments about what Christianity is or isn’t but instead want to help people focus on looking at the person and character of Jesus as shown in His Word. People will then be able to make their own decision about Who Jesus Is for themselves. Praying that the Spirit might work in many people as they see who Jesus says He is and that they might respond in repentance and faith in Him as their LORD.


“For John had been saying to Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.” So Herodias nursed a grudge against John and wanted to kill him. But she was not able to…”

This story is full of huge amounts of question marks and stuff that makes you sad :( Herod has taken his brother’s wife for himself which is already super messed up in itself. Essentially John the Baptist was telling Herod that it’s totally not okay to marry your brother’s wife and Herodias (Herod’s wife) totally gets offended. She then starts hating him and tries to kill him. It ends up with Herod throwing a birthday party and things start going pear shaped. Herodias’ daughter dances for Herod and he likes it so much that he offers her anything up to half his kingdom. Herodias tells her daughter to ask Herod for John the Baptist’s head.

Herodias uses her daughter to seduce and trick her own husband… It’s just messed up.

What a display of what our sinful nature looks like. Whats more on top of that is that the law that John said over Herod OFFENDED Herodias. John ended up being hated and killed by sinful people who were OFFENDED by what God’s LORDSHIP meant over their lives. They hated hearing the Law that John gave them so they killed him.

This reminds me a lot of Jesus. The King who was so good that people had to find any excuse to hate, mock and kill Him. The fact that there is a King who demands all of our lives offends people. Our sinful nature is selfish and refuses to back down to any King other than ourselves. As we preach the Gospel we need to remember the reality and truth of persecution.

Preaching the Gospel invites persecution and hate.

Let’s keep being bold knowing that as we preach the Gospel the Spirit works in people’s hearts convincing them that He is LORD over their lives.  Let’s keep being bold knowing that many might repent and turn to Jesus in faith.  Let’s keep being bold preaching the Gospel because if we don’t do it, who will?

“In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…”

– 2 Timothy 3:12

The Extraordinarily Ordinary Twelve

Quiet Time – 6.10.2016 [Mark 6:7-13]

Hey homies, today I read Mark 6:7-13.  We see Jesus sending out His Twelve Apostles out to various places to preach that people should repent whilst also casting out demons and healing sick people as they anoint them with oil.

Today was a story of twelve ordinary people used by an Extraordinary God.

The Twelve

“Calling the Twelve to Him, He sent them out two by two and gave them authority over evil spirits.”

This verse sort of comes out of no where because all we’ve really seen of the twelve disciples is that they haven’t done much.  They’ve left behind their jobs and follow Jesus around everywhere but we haven’t seen them do anything really that awesome.  That’s the first thing that really struck out to me from this passage.  They’re 12 extraordinarily ordinary dudes.

Jesus is calling, sending and equipping 12 absolutely ordinary dudes.

Jesus’ Instructions

Now as Jesus sends these ordinary dudes to go do hectic stuff He also gives them a set of instructions.  He essentially tells them to travel super light, no bread, no bag, no money, no extra tunic.  Just hop from village to village, find a place to stay and stay there til you leave!  Oh… and if no one welcomes or listens to you shake the dust off your feet as you leave as a testimony against them!  You’re travelling light but travelling far.  What I think Jesus means when He says “shake the dust off your feet when you leave” is about preaching the Gospel and once they’ve done all they can, (i.e When they don’t listen or welcome them) they have freedom to move on and preach the Gospel elsewhere.

Preach the Gospel, get rejected, move on.  God will provide what you need. 

The Result

“They went out and preached that people should repent.  They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.”

A short and simple conclusion for how this section ends.  It really is pretty interesting how God takes absolutely normal people and uses them to do extraordinary things because honestly before this they’ve done nothing special!  And now they’re preaching repentance, driving out demons, anointing and healing sick people!  Talk about zero to hero!

Twelve normal people did awesome things not because of how awesome they were but because of the awesome God who empowered and sent them out.


My first application point is follows on from most of what I’ve shared already.  I’m just like the twelve disciples.  I’m just plain, regular old Popo, not amazing or wonderful in any way but God’s Spirit dwells within me and He has equipped me with His Word as my guide and tool.  I can now have confidence because my God has called me, sent me and equipped me.  I can have confidence because the ministry that God has put before me does not derive it’s success from how awesome or unawesome I am but instead is grounded in the One who has sent and empowered me.  Be bold Mr Extraordinarily Ordinary Popo!

We are ordinary people used by an extraordinary God.

My second application point goes on from the way Jesus instructed His disciples as they went out.  There are times where similarly I also won’t be welcomed or listened to as I share the message of Jesus and that’s okay.  That’s actually normal.  I need to do all I can and move on.  Of course this is not an excuse to not be patient and faithful with the non Christians I minister to but there is a place where I am freed up to move on and preach the Gospel elsewhere.  I need to be actively praying and trusting God that He will lead me to effective places where He has been working in the hearts of those I talk to about the Gospel.

We will preach the Gospel far and wide.  Not everywhere will welcome and accept us and that’s okay.  Keep moving on and keep preaching the Gospel.

My third application point sort of comes from a round about way of understanding what Jesus says about moving on.  The disciples didn’t bring anything so they needed to rely on the people who took them in.  But the problem that I naturally see is what if EVERY town doesn’t take you in?  Then you’re stuffed!!  Rararara fear, insecurity, I want my control back!  But that’s not what happens, they return back in v30 and they seem totally fine.  That implies that there were enough towns that DID take them in and DID provide for them.  God was clearly taking care of them in that time providing all they needed.  Similarly I need to trust that whatever ministry God gives me, most likely in a full-time vocational capacity He will provide the people who will support me in my Gospel ministry  prayerfully and financially.  This is totally something I’ve been wrestling with recently since I totally feel awkward about asking people to financially support me in ministry.

Let’s trust that God will provide exactly what we need for the ministry He gives us.

“Calling the Twelve to Him, He sent them out two by two and gave them authority over evil spirits.”

– Mark 6:7

A Lack of Faith…

Quiet Time – 5.10.2016 [Mark 6:1-6]

Hey homie I just read Mark 6:1-6.  Jesus goes back to His hometown and they don’t respond well to Him, in fact they’re described to have an amazing lack of faith!  It ends up with Jesus not doing many miracles there except heal a few sick people.

The people of Nazareth is another example of how people react to who Jesus is.  They live by sight and doubt who He is because of what they’ve seen.

The People of Nazareth

It’s starts off with Jesus teaching in the synagogue and “many who heard Him were amazed…” but they’re not amazed for what you might think.  They begin asking questions like “Where did this man get these things?” and “What’s this wisdom that has been given Him, that He even does miracles!  Isn’t this the carpenter?  Isn’t this Mary’s Son…”  They’re extremely doubtful of Jesus because they’re remembering who He was when He was growing up and living here before He began His public ministry.  He surely can’t be anything else!

The people of Nazareth have a lack of faith because they’re focusing on what they’ve seen only.  They don’t even consider if what Jesus is saying to them is true, if He is who He says He is.  


Jesus sees this and is “amazed at their lack of faith.”  They give Jesus’ Words absolutely no consideration, not even the slightest chance.  They deny who Jesus is by relying on their sight.  They live by sight and not by faith.  Just as C.S Lewis argues, Jesus is either a liar, a lunatic or LORD.  It seems that the people of Nazareth see Him as both a liar and a lunatic.

They deny who Jesus is as they live by sight and not by faith.


From seeing this I asked myself:

  • How do I deny His character?
  • How do I fail to respond to who Jesus is?
  • How do I live by sight instead of trusting in God’s promises?

How do I deny His character?

I often deny the fact that Jesus is enough in the way I see relationships.  I can sometimes feel that if I had a partner I would be happier, more satisfied or more fulfilled.  This is a straight up lie.   In fact human partners are all deficient, they can never satisfy me the way that I intrinsically need because it’s only found in Jesus.

Jesus is absolutely enough for me. 

How do I fail to respond to who Jesus is?

Jesus is king.  He is LORD above all.  But if someone was to look at how I live would they see that Jesus is Lord over all of my life?  Maybe on the surface they would, “Oh!  You’re involved in ministry and all these great leadership roles!  You must be having Jesus as Lord over all of your life!”  But what about my time at home?  What about all the time I spend procrastinating because I’m too lazy and slothful?

I need to be intentional with the way I spend my time at home, one of the ways for me to do this is cut down on the time I spend watching YouTube and rest in a way that will actually help me look at Jesus.

I want to live in a way that shows to everyone that I live for a King who is not myself.  I live for a Kingdom that is not here.  

How do I live by sight instead of trusting in God’s promises?

I live by faith because I trust in myself, my skills and my gifts as I serve in ministry.  I get the delusion that past ministries have borne much fruit because of how skillful I was, how gifted I was, how much I tried to achieve success through them.  In reality they bear fruit because God is Sovereign and He always works by His Spirit whenever His Word is opened to achieve His purposes.  I try to claim His success as my all and delude myself to thinking that I’m the important gear that makes everything run.  Only God does this.  If it was reliant upon me everything would legitimately fall apart.

One way that I can stay humble and remember to rely upon God’s promises instead of what I can achieve is by staying in prayer.  Prayer is how you can really tell if someone trusts God or not.

Prayer is NOT the preparation for the more important thing.
It IS the more important thing.

“Jesus said to them, “Only in His hometown, among His relatives and in His own house is a prophet without honour.”  He could not do any miracles there, except lay His hands on a few sick people and heal them.  And He was amazed at their lack of faith.”

– Mark 6:4-6

“Don’t be afraid; just believe…”

Quiet Time – 4.10.2016 [Mark 5:21-43]

Hey homie I just read Mark 5:21-43. It’s where Jesus gets asked by Jairus to heal his daughter who is dying. He goes there but gets ambushed by a crowd and a woman who has been bleeding for 12 years touches His cloak in faith and gets healed. Jesus then continues on to Jairus’ household who’ve said that his daughter is already dead, but Jesus is like lols not really. They laugh at Him and then He proceeds to bring back Jairus’ daughter from death.

It’s really apparent to me from this passage that the nature of faith in Jesus defies the circumstances you see around you.


We get introduced to a character called Jairus who is a synagogue ruler who has a little daughter who is dying. He comes to Jesus and earnestly pleads with Him. “My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her and she will be healed and live.” So Jesus went with him.”

Jairus believes and trusts in the rumours he’s heard about the Man who has healed so many before.


As they travel on their way to Jairus’ home it has this sandwiched section about this woman who has been bleeding for 12 years. She’s suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors, spent ALL she’s had but instead of getting better, she’s gotten worse! This is the picture of someone who’s hit rock bottom who has no where else to turn. “When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind Him in the crowd and touched His cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed.” Just like Jairus she trusts in the rumours she’s heard about the Man who has healed so many before.

She pleads by faith because she has nothing else to hold onto and no one else to turn to.


Jesus instantly realises that power has gone out of Him and asks a pretty silly question considering the circumstances.

“Who touched my clothes?”

“Jesus buddy, there’s a billion people crowding around you and you’re asking who touched your clothes?” is probably what His disciples are thinking. What they don’t realise is that Jesus is infinitely powerful and aware of every single bit of His power. The woman falls at His feet trembling with fear and tells Him the whole truth.

She’s realised that with one touch this Man has done more for her than anyone in her 12 years. Jesus’ power is huge and goes beyond our circumstances.


Men then come from Jairus’ house and say that his daughter is already dead, don’t bother the Teacher anymore, it’s too late… But…. Jesus IGNORES them and says to Jairus these absolutely incredible words into this situation. “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” If there’s ever a time to be afraid and panic for Jairus it’s now. He’s just missed his little daughters last few hours of life to find some dude who could heal her but it’s too late now. No one comes back from the dead. They keep going to Jairus’ house welcomed to much wailing and crying. Jesus says “The child is not dead but asleep.” to which everyone laughs at Him. Truly no one comes back from the dead. But surely enough Jesus goes to visit Jairus’ daughter and absolutely defying all logic and circumstance raises her from the dead.

“Talitha Koum!” – “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”

Jesus’ power defies our circumstances and situations. He calls us to respond to who He is in faith. Trusting that He can do what we can’t even imagine.


– I’m actually meant to relate to Jairus. We have to continually and earnestly plead with God. We’ve heard and seen God’s power and we need to rely on it day by day.

– I’m actually meant to relate to the woman in the crowd. In my sin I was at rock bottom and had no where else to turn to and no one else to turn to. Jesus called me to rely upon who He is completely for my salvation. You only plead when you have nothing else to offer. However that reliance upon Jesus continues NOW. Right now I need to keep living by faith knowing and trusting that God can do more in a single touch than I or anyone else could ever do.

Don’t be afraid; just believe. Jesus absolutely defies what my circumstances say around me. I can’t live by sight, I have to live by faith. In fact my circumstances will actually contradict what Jesus has promised for us.

One of the things I struggle to see past my circumstances with right now is with my work. RICE desires to fundraise support for me so I can work for them in a full time capacity for their Gospel ministry. However I am prone to look at my circumstances and point out all the flaws and difficulties of raising enough support for me. I’m not properly trusting God to provide what I need. Jesus promises that I’ll have exactly what I need but I doubt that promise because of my circumstances.

Jesus WILL provide for me what I need. That sometimes might not look like what I expect but whatever does happen it’s going to be perfect for me in that situation! Faith is trusting in God’s promises despite your circumstances seemingly contradicting them. Pray that I might live by faith and not by sight!

“While Jesus was still speaking; some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher any more?”

Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

– Mark 5:35-36

Responding to who Jesus is…

Hey there WordPress!  I haven’t posted anything up for a while because I haven’t had the time to write poetry/devote much of my head space into keeping this blog constant BUT I normally share some of my quiet time reflections with some of my close homies and realised that it wouldn’t be hard to just copy and paste some of them onto here!  This is the reason why most of how I will be talking in these blog posts will be super casual and often use my own weird colloquial language.  I apologise to all of you in advance :)

So I’ve decided to be posting up my quiet time reflections onto this blog and God-willing it would be an encouragement to some of you guys!  Hope you guys enjoy seeing this kid try to love Jesus.  If you’re encouraged by anything I share please encourage me back by letting me know in the comment section!

Quiet Time – 29.9.2016 [Mark 5:1-20]

Hey homie! I just read Mark 5:1-20. It’s about Jesus encountering Legion and it was super encouraging for me! It was really apparent how the character and person of Jesus demands a response from people. You can’t encounter Jesus and not have a response.


This homie is nothing short of badass. He lives in the tombs, no one can bind him, no one can match him in in strength. Everyone around is scared as beans of him. But as soon as he sees Jesus he runs to Him and falls on His knees in front of Him. He knows exactly who Jesus is, that He is the “Son of the Most High God.” He responds to who Jesus is in absolute terror. He pleads that Jesus would let him go into the pigs on the hillside. He knows his place before Jesus.

The dude who everyone is terrified of is not even slightly a match for the power and authority of Jesus.


The villagers see that Jesus’ power absolutely trumps Legion and that the man is now freed from Legion and in his normal mind. This TERRIFIES them. The dude we couldn’t even hope to beat was quivering in front of this Dude? They respond to Jesus character in FEAR. They end up pleading for Jesus to leave their region.  Holy beans this Dude is nuts.

The character and person of Jesus demands a response from people.

Demon-Possessed Man

This dude is totally g now and BEGS Jesus to let him go with Jesus, but…. Jesus doesn’t let him. Jesus says “Go home to your family and tell them how much the LORD has done for you and how He has had mercy on you!” Jesus wants him to be a witness of His goodness to those around him!   “So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.”

Jesus wants the man to follow Him by staying here as a witness of His goodness.


So it was pretty clear to me that the character and person of Jesus forces people to respond to Him. My question for myself was how do I respond to Jesus’ character? I need to let who Jesus is, shape the way I live in every aspect. Clearly shown in this section is that He has an incredible amount of power and authority that I simply can’t ignore.

– I personally doubt His power in my life with my parents and family. I find myself basing their likeliness of salvation dependant on what I see. This doesn’t make sense because in the story if I was to bet on someone to win a power struggle, I’d bet on Legion and well… we all know how that story finished :)

The cross is big enough, even for the salvation of my parents and family.

– I personally doubt His authority in my life with the way I see purity. I’ve been finding it more difficult recently keeping my mind on things above and holding on to God’s call on my life to be “Holy as He is Holy.” I find intimacy and satisfaction in things not of God, and they all leave me feeling empty and disappointed.

Jesus is MORE than enough for my cravings of intimacy. Jesus is LORD and I need to submit to His LORDSHIP over all of my life.  He is King and He alone!

– I wish to respond to Jesus’ character just like the demon-possessed man. Would I be BOLD and TESTIFY to all of God’s goodness to me in my life! Particularly for me right now, I have a lot of birthday parties, battles and events with a lot of my dancing friends! Pray for me that I would be bold and courageous in talking about God’s goodness to me intentionally as I interact with them and all those people in my life just like the demon-possessed man!

Pray that I would boldly testify of God’s goodness towards me, to all around me!

“The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” He gave them permission, and the evil spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned. Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man – and told about the pigs as well. Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region.”

– Mark 5:12-17

A Letter to Christians with Eczema

Hey there this is a shout out and message for my brothers and sisters in Christ who are struggling with or who have wrestled with eczema.

I’ve been really blessed in the last 2 years as I’ve been on immunosuppressants which have helped ENORMOUSLY to maintain and control my eczema. However, I went to the hospital recently and they want to do a test on me which requires me to be off my medication for a few weeks. So in the last 2 weeks or so I’ve had heaps of people asking me why my face is so red, or why I look like I’m sunburnt or had too much to drink. (xD – also the picture below doesn’t really show it because I don’t know how to turn off beauty face LOL) All this reminded me of what it was like when I had eczema at my worst. The constant pain. The social fears. The insecurities. The insomnia. The dark spiral of depression.

Inevitably eczema affects every facet of our lives, of how we see life, other people, ourselves and even God. Can I just say that even though I don’t completely understand all of your circumstances, since all of us are different, I can empathise and sympathise with you homies. I feel your pain, frustration and sadness.

From the times where you shy from photos. When you choose to stay at home avoiding people. When you wear clothing to cover your scars and exposed skin. When your friends from church ask you why you missed service. The fear of having a shower. The sleepless nights. The constant visits and disappointments from the hospitals and dermatologists. The times where you notice people’s eyes wander as they talk to you. The times where you’re afraid to look at your bed and floor. The times where you’re crushingly depressed because you feel your body is trying to fight your happiness and satisfaction constantly. The feeling when you feel like you’re becoming a different person. The feeling of not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The pain and rawness of crying out to God and seemingly getting no response.

I feel you fam.

You’re not alone.

If this is how you feel can I encourage you with 3 things that you may already know but are so important to remember and hold onto.

1) Our God is the God of all comfort.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.”

– 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Our God is not one of indifference, ignorance or sadism. Our God is one who cares for His people “who comforts us in ALL our troubles.” There is not a single trouble or affliction that God’s children cannot bring to Him. So if that is true, go to Him, cry out to Him, He hears and promises to comfort you.

“Cast all your anxieties on Him for He cares for you.”

– 1 Peter 5:7

As you pray and cry out to God, listen to Him. Read His Living Word! You have in your bible the very Words of God that He uses to comfort His people! So read and seek comfort from the One who promises to give it. In fact here’s one of the great comforts that God tells us in His Word about what the New Creation will be like :

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things have passed away.”

– Revelation 21:4

Every. Single. Tear.

The earlier verse from 2 Corinthians mentions that we are comforted by God “so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort that we ourselves have received from God.” This is the reason why I wrote this article. So that I, who has been comforted by God, can also comfort you with the Words of God which have comforted me.

2) Jesus is in control.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

– Psalm 139:13-16

God has made you exactly how He desired to make you. It’s not as if God said to me, “Oh… sorry Popo I didn’t mean to let you get eczema… I messed up…” Nothing could be further from the truth. God has lovingly, actively chosen to mold and shape you exactly as you are, including your eczema. The fact that we live in a sinful fallen and corrupted world means things like disease and illness happen but even in this context God chooses to use sin and disease for His purposes. He goes even as far as to say :

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

– Romans 8:28

God works through ALL things for the good of His people. There is not a SINGLE situation that God misses, forgets or overlooks. In everything, He works for the good of His people. Now at this point I have to talk about what the bible means when it uses the word “good.” Thankfully the next verse in Romans gives us the answer, that the “good” that mentioned in v28 is that His people will be conformed to the likeness of Jesus. God works through ALL things for the good of His people as He uses every single situation to make them more like Jesus. Take heart, your eczema falls in this category. Your eczema is not pointless or meaningless. God actively uses your eczema to make you more like Jesus.

3) Your identity is not found in how you look or how people see you.

“Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.”

– John 1:12

“For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ…”

– Romans 8:15-16

You are not defined by how you look. You are not defined by how people see you. You are not defined by how you see or feel about yourself. For those who trust and call Jesus LORD you have the great privilege of being God’s children. He does not see Popo the kid who has eczema. He sees me as one of His children. He loves His children so dearly that He Himself dwells within us! His Spirit dwells in us and conforms us to the likeness of Jesus.

Your identity is not found in how you look or how people see you but in how God sees you. You are His delight. You are His joy. You are His child.


Popo | Not a red-faced kid with eczema but a beloved child of the living God.

Cry out to God for He is the God of all comfort.

Trust that Jesus is in control. He uses all things for your good, to make you more like Jesus.

Remember that your identity is not tied to how you look or how others see you. You are a beloved child of God.

I know I’ve talked about alot of different things and maybe you’ve heard it all before. That’s fine. I just want to let you guys know that you’re not alone. I feel you homies. God has not forgotten you and He loves you dearly as His child.

If you ever want someone to talk, pray or cry with shoot me a message and I’d be happy to.


Much love,

Your Brother in Christ who also struggles,